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Welcome to Answer To All Candida Questions, where you can ask candida yeast infections questions and receive answers from other members of the community.
Probacto Probiotics: Leading candida probiotics in the market. Get rid of your candida once and for all.

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23 × candida 18 × diet 14 × die-off 10 × recurring 10 × discharge 10 × itching 9 × pregnant 8 × jock-itch 8 × oral-thrush 8 × antifungals 8 × thrush 8 × antibiotics 7 × rash 7 × symptoms 6 × connection 6 × contagious 6 × yeast 5 × yeast-infection 5 × baking-soda 5 × kefir 5 × supplements 5 × herxheimer 5 × probiotics 5 × itch 5 × sex 5 × systemic 5 × foods 5 × treatment 5 × vaginal 4 × weight-loss