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how long do yeast infections hinder mensuration

asked Feb 26, 2015 in Vaginal by anonymous

1 Answer

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Depends from person to person and how bad your yeast infection is. Although some people believe that yeast infection can cause delay in the menstrual cycle, there are no proven medical deductions confirming the same. Therefore, factually, yeast infections are not known to be responsible in affecting the schedule of your monthly periods in any way. However, Candidiasis may erupt during menstruation. In this case, it is essential to use the most breathable underwear as well as see to adequate hygiene. However, the lower end must not be washed and scrubbed too much, so washing with water or a mild detergent with a pH less than 7 is good to remember.

Often, however, plain water is best. During infection, the use of menstrual pads and panty liners should be avoided, because they do not breathe, and thus poach the lower end promoting the growth of yeast. The cup is the best menstrual protection with the yeast infection, as it allows the lower end to breathe and does not disturb the natural moisture balance. If the infection is internal and the yeast medicine cannot be orally taken or a vaginal suppository in addition to the pill has been prescribed, it should be used in the evenings. In this case, the use of a tampon or cup is not recommended but as menstrual protection cotton pads can be used since they protect and allow the bottom end to breathe. A yeast infection can also affect a man, so if there is a yeast infection going on, it is recommended to use condoms when having sex.
answered Sep 24, 2016 by anonymous