Thanks for your time in talking to me today regards my sinusitis. I am 36yrs old and have 2 girls aged 3 and 6 1/2. My 1st symptoms of sinus issues were 2yrs ago and since I have had 2 surgeries (Dec '11 and Aug '12). I have had flare ups on average every 2mths and am now refusing antibiotic treatment and hope to be able to get rid of my current infection and then treat the cause to avoid any further reinfection.
As I have a specialist appointment organised for March to learn about how further sugery could help relieve my current infection. My previous test results showed i had a bacterial infection called "staph" and I'm in a position where I'm trying to decide whether to deal with my current infection via surgery and then do natural treatment to avoid having a repeat of any flare up sinus infections and any possible candida or yeast infection. My other option is to just do the natural option and hope that was effective in treating my current infection.
I am very confused about what to do? Would natural medicine deal with my current bacterial infection? If so what is a realistic timeframe to expect favorable results?