I have been battling some odd symptoms for awhile now. I have managed with hours of research to diagnose myself with Candida! I would love to be pointed in the right direction.
I noticed a few months ago my anxiety was out of control, then I noticed my hands and feet were freezing and tingling all the time, my face broke out terribly, headaches, bloating, intense pain after eating, etc. I went to see my Dr. who told me I had a bacteria, and a few days before him I went to UVA and they said I had a UTI, so with all that I started to question my immune system.
I did not take ant antibiotics they prescribed due to my research, because at this point I developed thrush in my mouth, hence I called my physician's office and received a diflucan prescription. I didn't take it at first, but I started by altering my diet to the candida diet which cured the thrush! I just took the diflucan to assist in the process. I have done everything necessary to better my overall health. I think my stress levels went way up after mom passed causing my adrenal glands to come to a HAULT, causing the production of more estrogen, leading to more yeast. Aside from the terrible diet, I'm not sure where to go. I have extreme "die off" one day and extreme fatigue the next, it's so bad that I hate to even lift my arms. Another thing I think the reason the b12 was bothering me post injection was it was attacking the yeast full throttle giving me die off way to fast! After talking with UVA she said maybe take a break but I also read yeast will "eat up" b12?
I'm really not sure, what should my next step be?