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Countless health problems linked to candida?

I just read an article on Candida and it seems to make a lot of sense to me for many problems I have been facing in the past ten years. It has reached a stage where I am now unable to do anything because I am extremely fatigued and my brain is so tired and cluttered. I am unable to understand what I am trying to think or study and tend to zone out.
I have digestive problems and was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, had been on medication for months, and suffer from abdominal pains along with daily mucous in stools which the doctors have diagnosed as amoebiosis. I had a lot fo fungal infections as well as UTI's in the last two years and have been on countless medications. In the last two years I have started facing bad bodily odors, bad breath, dirty tongue, bloating in my stomach, non-stop gas among other issues. I have vaginal and anus irritation quite often and have been advised to use annovate. I have had minor fissures twice. I cannot seem to live without sweets and keep craving for it, it is almost maddening. I have this insatiable hunger which is almost never satisfied and I keep going to pass stools after that, however I am not putting on any weight.
I have terrible muscle pains and earlier had severe pains in my head, neck and spine (near lower end of back).
I am having massive hair loss + greying of hair, my skin has become horrible, am having hormonal troubles, irregular and very painful menstruation and my toe-nails are thick and yellowing though not necessarily stinking, however in the summer, I have a hard time with stopping my feet from sweating like a pig, which is very new for me.
in the last two-three years I have started having a lot of itching in my head and ears, which did not happen before. I have been tested for vitamins and have severe deficiency of vitamin b12 and vitamin d. I ahve always been anaemic but it is surprisingly 13 this time. 
I am unable to sleep well, my mind does not stop, no amount of sleep is fulfilling. Some people say I am depressed and hence unwell, on the contrary I think I am depressed because I am tired of being unwell.
I used to be an extremely active person before, and have turned into a dull, lazy, fat glutton. 
Please help me out because I seem to be tired of different diagnosis from doctors who have just given me millions of medications, and I'm only 24 years old but feel like I'm 80.
asked Feb 10, 2014 in Diagnosis by deficient sweets

1 Answer

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I totally understand your problem and have been through the same thing. I felt like I was really going to die at any moment and it was really hard for me to continue living the way that I was. I felt like I was completely bedridden, exhausted every single wakking moment, and had no energy throughout my body. Even holding onto water was starting to become a monumental task.

I wasn't sure what it was, and doctors were saying "oh you're depressed", oh this happened, oh that. My health just gradually got worse. I'm not even sure what caused it, but one day it just felt like I "broke". My body stopped being mine, my mind became dull as well. I think all the toxins and activity that I've done throughout my life have finally caught up to me.

Anyway, I'm six months into the candida diet, detox and protocol program and I cannot remember feeling better. I'm not sure if it was the candida, but the diet has been working absolute wonders for me. If I was you, I'd give it a shot.
answered Feb 14, 2014 by bulbasaur