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Where is my candida hiding?

Hi everyone,

I have had recurrent vaginal yeast infections (candida albicans, confirmed by testing) for at least 18 years. I never thought of it as much of a problem until now that I've developed a severe burning pain, perhaps two inches in, during intercourse. It feels like hitting a burning wall, like it's impossible to go further in. I'm starting to wonder if candida might be the cause. I also have a number of autoimmune and other immune-related disorders that I haven't found the cause of. (Although, I don't have any brain fog or depression, fatigue, toe fungus or other classical candida symptoms.) My doctors don't have a clue (about anything, in general, to be frank). The thing is that I have taken a stool test and no candida was found. So my question is: where is my candida hiding? I thought it would originate from the gut, but it doesn't seem to be the case with me. What happens to it when I take my meds (fluconazole) and it goes away temporarily? Why doesn't it go away completely?

Thank you!

asked Apr 23, 2016 in General Candida Questions by Ann

1 Answer

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If you are experiencing discomfort during intercourse I would highly recommend you put sex on hold until your symptoms are expunged. Remember that condoms can actually provoke symptoms of a yeast infection in a female due to spermicidal lubricant called Nonoxynol-9, which can actually cause or exacerbate a slight yeast infection and blow them right up. When it comes to your diet what exactly are you eating daily?

where is my candida hiding? I thought it would originate from the gut, but it doesn't seem to be the case with me. 

 When you attack candida, it is stimulated to release spores. The production of candida spores is how fungi and mold reproduce. Candida tend to fight back when they are being attacked, assuring their survival by releasing spores, which can lodge anywhere in the body, awaiting just the right conditions to reactivate. They remain “dormant” so long as they sense the immune cells trying to attack. By taking fluconazole , the yeast will go dormant to survive, burrowing deeply into the tissues where the drugs or herbs can’t reach — remember, they don’t need an oxygen supply in which to live. They can also go dormant and “hide” to avoid an activated immune system response. 

You need to make your immune system stronger in order to get this issue under control. As of now avoid consuming sugars, grains, and alcohol until your condition improves. However there are actions you can take right now to improve your condition such as taking coconut oil to battle this issue. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which is a potent antifungal kills the Candida yeast cells by interfering with their cell walls. Capric acid and lauric acid have a similar effect, creating a powerful combination of antifungal treatments. This also means that the Candida yeast is unlikely to build up resistance to coconut oil, unlike other antifungals which can lose their effectiveness over time.

answered Sep 28, 2016 by ASN