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is coconut good for candida

asked Mar 25, 2015 in General Candida Questions by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, it is really good against Candida due to it containing caprylic acid. This potent antifungal kills the Candida yeast cells by interfering with their cell walls. Capric acid and lauric acid have a similar effect, creating a powerful combination of antifungal treatments. This also means that the Candida yeast is unlikely to build up resistance to coconut oil, unlike other antifungals which can lose their effectiveness over time. As an entirely natural antifungal, coconut oil is a safe and effective way to prevent your Candida overgrowth from returning. Make it a part of your long term diet plan and you will find it has many other health benefits besides its antifungal properties.
answered Sep 26, 2016 by ASN