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Suffering from Female Jock Itch


I am suffering from female jock itch and would like to know how to apply tea tree oil safely to the affected vaginal area. Thank you so much for your help!

asked May 8, 2014 in Vaginal by anonymous

2 Answers

0 votes
I personally wouldn't apply tea tree oil to the vagina as it can really burn. I would watch what I eat, take necessary probiotics as well as consider consuming cfort10 internally. It worked really well for me.

I'd also use something that is safe to wash my vaginal area with, always making sure it's dry, especially now that it is starting to get warmer.

But in general I would be careful what I apply to my vaginal area, maybe a mild tea tree oil solution mixed with coconut oil would be better / safer. If you ever feel any sort of burn rinse it off immediately.
answered Jun 13, 2014 by anonymous
0 votes
I just got done reading  many reviews re using boric acid in 00 capsuIes.  One capsuIe is inserted daiIy and many women reported fast reief.  check out the reviews on Amazon.
answered Aug 11, 2014 by anonymous