I believe I've had candida since I was 19 years old, I'm now 26 but have been suffering for years. It all started when I've been emotionally, physically, mentally stressed, had a poor diet, and was depressed. I've also had bad allergies and asthma around that time so I've been using the inhalers.
Around that time I developed a cold where I lost my voice, and had to spit every 5 minutes because I had nonstop mucous that just would not stop. It was a thick, stringy, mucous that would be occasionally yellow and brown. But I dont have a sinus infection. This makes me extremely insecure to speak close to people, because the thick mucus causes a white coating, sometimes yellow tongue, and I also develop small tonsil stones. I always have a toothbrush in my purse.
Year after year it gets worse. It started in 2008. Then by 2010 I did a NAET test and found out im sensitive to all dairy. I eliminated dairy products. However I can consume small amounts of cheese. But if I consume too much, I feel drowsy, sleepy and on drugs. I also get thicker mucus that gets trapped in my sinuses and causes a sinus headache for 2-3 days. Same problem with soy products. I clean my nose with saline and filtered water.
I suspected I had candida but wasnt 100% sure. I thought parasites were my problem. I have seen stringy worm things in my bowel movements. I took HUMAWORM. After doing it I havent seen parasites since. I took that around beginning of 2013.
This year i found out i have h pylori. I took the 7 day HP pac. Coincidently when i was on that medication my excess mucus stopped. As soon as i completed treatment it came back. Odd!
I found out I have candida through a blood test. My IgA is equivocal, IgG is no reaction, IgM is high. I'm not surprised since I have 80% of the symptoms.
The candida affects my digestion. I always have bloating, severe flatulence, trapped gas after eating or drinking. My h pylori is gone because I no longer have acid reflux after eating acidic fruits, drinks. My digestion slightly is better.
Over the years I tried many many products. Even organic oil of oregano. Nothing worked. Now I know why. I never went on a diet and took antifungals at the same time.
My question is I plan on doing the candida diet. Should I avoid All foods I'm sensitive too?
Can I ever cure these food sensitivies and go back to consuming dairy?
Can I use antifungals in my sinuses? Like nystatin?
I'm highly sensitive to alcohol. Get stomach cramps, drowsiness, more gas. Can I still consume fermented kefir water, milk, homemade saurkraut?
Here are some of my symptoms:
-Most trapped gas is on the lower left abdomen. Under my left rib. I dont rarely get gas on the right. Strange
-Painful menstrual cramps lower back pain.Can start 2 weeks before period
- thick mucus
- whites of eyes are not white like a few years ago. Yellow, brown, gray lines
- chronic daily post nasal drip
- highly sensitive to smoke, scents. Causes sinus pressure and headaches if smelt for more than a few minutes.
- food allergies
- bones crack(drink almond milk)
- weak muscles
- white hairs again on my LEFT side of scalp.
- excess flatulence
- sometimes toxic egg smelling gas
- **onions, garlic dont leave my tongue. It makes my breath smell like bad. My sister said like metal. I have to brush my teeth if I consume onions oe garlic. The awful weird taste stays.
- no libido. Then some days extremely high libido. Hormones are definitely off balance
- excess clear vaginal discharge.
- not many yeast infections. But im easily susceptible to them. causes if I wear tight underwear, pants, sleep with underwear on at night.
- yawn often during the day. Even if I sleep 10hrs.
- dry mouth when I wake up in the morning. Also clear mucus on teeth and gums. Horrible morning breath. Before candida and allergies I barely had morning breath.
- cold sores 2x per year
- smelly scalp, chronic dandruff. I wash my hair with a few drops of tea tree oil or peppermint. In 2 days my scalp will smell dirty like I havent washed it
- hair use to grow super fast. Hair growth slowed down. My eyelashes dont seem as thick and dark like before either.
- dry body skin
- cold finger tips( had this since I was a kid but it seems worse now)
- my immune system I believe was poor until I took organic 100% blackseed oil for 2 months. Around march this year. I dont get others people flus and colds anymore. The blackseed did something to my immune system. Probably removing h pylori helped as well. I did it around the same time frame.
Before candida my cramps werent as severe. I got sick maybe once per year. Had a great immune system. Was 100% healthy. Fast growing hair etc.=