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Is my yeast infection systemic?


The information you have provided in this website is very good and I'm going to follow this strictly. I think I got Yeast Infection due to prolonged usage of Prednisone and some antibiotics prescribed by doctor when I had a bad scrape on my elbow which got infected. I have a burning sensation at the tip of my urethra while urination and also a little bit of swelling at the tip of urethra. Along with this I have itching mostly all over the body including face and whenever I give blood samples for some tests, small red bumps starts to comeup around the needle prick area. These red bumps go away in a week, but there is constant itching all over my body. Does these symtoms mean that the yeast infection got systemic and turned out to be a serious condition? Please advice as I'm worried alot about it. I'm currently taking Ketoconazole 200 mg twice a day as prescribed by General doctor.

asked Feb 8, 2014 in Diagnosis by rashid

1 Answer

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If your general doctor has prescribed you Ketoconazole 200mg to use twice a day, you definitely have a yeast infection. That doesn't mean nothing can be done, most people here have a yeast infection that within their body. It might not be in every organ of your body, but maybe there is overgrowth in your gut, there really is no way to know.

I'd continue taking the ketoconazole prescribed by your doctor as well as go on a good candida diet, not a junk candida diet. Do that for at least 6 months and see how you feel. Just because the yeast is in your body doesn't mean it's the end of your life. If you worry about it more you will have worse symptoms.
answered Feb 10, 2014 by jarvis