I also had hair loss due to candida, and before I had it, I didn't even imagine it was possible. I had very brittle nails, was constantly sick, and just always felt like I was unwell. I'd just sit there and daze off for what seemed to be the entire day. I didn't know I was relaly sick, and just figured it was "old age", until I had a yeast infection that would not go away.
Nobody can be 100% sure that what you are suffering is from candida, but others have had the same symptoms as you and it was due to having candida. If I was you, I would consider going on a good anti-candida diet, I think probacto provides one. Worst case it will be good for your health, and you'll find out after a little bit that you do not have candida. I had candida, and it did take time, but I feel much much better now than I ever did..
I saw these links, hopefully they can be helpful to you.