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Can yeast infections affect your menstraul cycle?

My period never came, and I tested negative on birth control tests. Do yeast infections mess with it?
asked Jul 17, 2013 in Vaginal by Jean Helper (230 points)

1 Answer

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Yes, yeast and especially Candida can interfere with your menstrual cycle. If a woman has an ongoing yeast/Candida problem that just refuses to go away, she will almost always experience a disruption in her menstrual cycle. There’s really no use in treating the problem with hormones, because this would only temporarily correct the problem while ignoring the cause.

Most females will experience at the very least an irregular menstrual cycle occasionally if they have an ongoing yeast or Candia problem, and this is a normal symptom of a Candida overgrowth in women. The problems can range from a worsening of menstrual pains to the cycles actually stopping. All of this is initially caused by the yeast, but the problem created by the yeast overgrowth is the imbalance of hormones. During a bad yeast or Candida infestation a false type of estrogen is produced. This false hormone can disrupt various bodily functions, but especially the menstrual cycle in women.

Stopping the production of the false hormone can definitely take place, but it normally takes quite a long period of time. This is because you first have to reduce the yeast/Candida overgrowth in your body. This is normally done through a special diet void of all sugar products, simple carbohydrates, starches, wheat, and fruit because fruit contains the sugar, fructose. You can also take some natural antifungals during the diet such as oil of oregano, raw garlic bulbs or garlic pills containing allicin (the potent antifungal property in garlic). Brussels sprouts and rutabaga are two strong natural food sources containing antifungal properties.  You should also add beneficial bacteria to your regimen by eating unsweetened Greek yogurt, drinking unsweetened kefir, and taking probiotics.

Meanwhile, while you’re trying to get rid of the overabundance of yeast in your body, you can try a few supplements that can help with any discomfort. For example, if you’re experiencing menstrual cramping, Nettle Leaf tea can help to relieve these. For this purpose, drink three or more cups throughout your day.  If you experience severe pain from the cramping and need a pain medication, most yeast experts would tell you to avoid all pain medications during a yeast or Candida overgrowth, but the truth is that you can take Ibuprofen during the duration of your treatment without causing problems or making the infection worse. According to the Society for General Microbiology, a quote in their Journal of Medical Microbiology stated that, “Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, exhibited antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and non-albicans strains.” In addition to this advantage; Candida and yeast are normally capable of acquiring immunity to antifungals whether they’re prescription antifungals from a doctor or natural antifungals which can purchased over-the-counter. This means that the antifungal stops working, usually, after several weeks to a month after using the antifungal.  This acquired resistance to various antifungals can sometimes be avoided by alternating the antifungals every two to three weeks. But this means that you would need to purchase several different antifungals to do the job that one should do. However, when combining a strong antifungal prescription or natural antifungal with 400-600 mg of Ibuprofen, the results showed the acquired resistance of the antifungal by the Candida could be avoided.

answered Jul 31, 2013 by Sean Knows About Candida (1,540 points)
I'm twelve and I'm alittle worried that I might have a yeast infection and I'm also worried that it may be preventing me from having my period...can someone plz help
I am experiencing something very similar. I had an ovarian cyst rupture a little less than a month ago. I had to have my iud removed a few days later, but started on nuvaring the very next day. Now, a few weeks later, I seem to have an annoying yeast infection and my period has not come yet. I have minor cramping like it's about to come. And sometimes I feel extremely nauseous and dizzy. I've taken a pregnancy test, which was negative. I am trying to schedule an appt with my gyn. But in the meantime, I bought Monistat to give me some kind of relief. What ended up happening with you?
Same I think I may have a yeast infection as well and I think that this is stopping my period from coming... please help someone
I an having problem with this yeast infection my periods late and i had some pills a month ago for the same yeast why does it occur again soo soon?
Afraid I may have infection..