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Is Candida connected to Interstitial Cystitis (IC)?

I have different sorts of recurring discomfort and i have seen various doctors and they always prescribe me antibiotics and tell me it's all in my head i have done my own research and i have found out that i could be suffering from interstitial cystitis and i want to know from you guys if i can also get candida from all this?
asked Oct 14, 2013 in Misc by Ankitve

1 Answer

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Yes, indeed. The symptoms of interstitial cystitis may well be connected to the overgrowth of Candida. Generally, another diseased condition usually linked with bacteria, recent evidences suggest that people under antibiotic or other medications to fight with the problems of IC are increasingly finding it difficult to do so. Infact, such individuals go on to show severe manifestation of the interstitial cystitis symptoms. Seems familiar to you, yes you are right these all point to the yeast Candida being the culprit and not bacteria. In many cases the physicians are finding it hard to diagnose the real cause of the disease. Therefore, you have all the reason to go for a Candida detection test through a reliable method like the CanDia5.
What is IC and what are its symptoms?
Interstitial Cystitis is an idiopathic, chronic condition associated with our bladder. The diseased condition is also known as the painful bladder syndrome which usually evades diagnosis. According to a recent estimate the disorder affects nearly eight million US women. However, it also affects around four million men.
The main feature of IC is the pain of the pelvis with excessive frequency and urgency of urination. The pain gets relieved upon urination but only until the bladder is refilled again which revives the chronic pain and discomfort. The urination frequency is alarmingly high in the affected individuals and may even cause nocturia. Some IC patients have even complained of painful intercourse while others have experienced acute flare ups and courses of remission. Women with IC experience worsened symptoms of the condition during premenstrual period or ovulation. The major hurdle in dealing with the problem is that it is often mistaken with urinary tract infection. However, IC is not a condition due to infection and usually comes up with negative results in urinary cultures further confusing diagnosis.
IC, Candida and chronic inflammatory responses:
Dr. Keay from the Division of Infectious Diseases (University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore) has ruled out IC to be an infectious disease. So what is the biological basis of IC? The theory that is usually accepted by most of the scientific fraternity suggests IC to be a chronic inflammatory response of the bladder. Such response results in irritating the bladder mucous layer. The glycosaminoglycan (GAG) present in the mucosal layer of the bladder is associated in its protection from inflammatory damage.
There it inhibits any bladder tissue invasion by bacteria and the toxic substances present in the urine via maintenance of a stable water layer in the bladder called urothelium. Candida overgrowth is highly associated with the chronic inflammatory responses that may lead to conditions like interstitial cystitis. It has been established that IC patients develop a certain defect that allows uninhibited passage of the toxic substances via the urothelium and cause irritation to the tissue.
Our immune system responds to this encroachment by triggering of mediators of inflammation resulting in IC like symptoms. The major risks associated with IC development are the history of urinary tract infection associated with the individual and/or antibiotic usage that leads to the overgrowth of the yeast Candida. It has also been reported that Candida can break down the protective urothelium layer.
What can be the solution?
The use of antibiotics doesn’t help in the alleviation of the problems of IC. This rules out the involvement of bacteria as the causal agent in the manifestation of the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. Therefore, the remedy has to come from a natural intervention in the condition.
The probiotics? Yes, absolutely the probiotics can reinstate and calm down the irritated bladder. It is a natural way of interfering with the Candida overgrowth. According to Julie Chen MD, the probiotics can certainly help to curb the IC problems. The trick lies in the use of a well balanced probiotic product that has all the beneficial probiotic characteristics. Most essentially it should consist of viable bacteria in good numbers so that they can successfully establish them within your gastrointestinal tract providing long-term benfit. The probiotic product, ‘Probacto’ caters to all these needs of the consumers and can be your right choice. 
Further Reading:
answered Oct 14, 2013 by Feroj Qualified Member (900 points)
edited Oct 14, 2013 by AdrianDole