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What should I know about moldy foods and candida?

What should I know about moly foods? Does it cause candida? Can breathing it cause me harm?
asked Jul 26, 2013 in Diet by Ellen

1 Answer

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How about as much as possible? I hope you're not eating moldy foods. There is a huge difference between fermentation and mold. In fact, just avoiding moldy foods is not enough. It aids Candida (to grow) and abates your immunity at the same time.

There is Candida floating everywhere in the air and your body but you have to be a vegetable to catch an infection from that. The <b>Center for Disease Control</b> states it’s chiefly the <i>Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus</i> <i>and Alternari</i> however, make a way for Candida to catch. They hit your immune system, compromise it and allow the existing Candida colonies (in your gut) to expand.

Nasal exposure to mold triggers an immediate immune response in the body. All your fatigues, breathing troubles and frequently running tummies are signs. These, in long term, weaken your immunity which can’t control Candida Albicans anymore. Candida, over time, attacks and kills the entire digestive system and make way for other fungal infections to set in. Gastric acid in your stomach is the firewall the body has against pathogens, without that, you can’t keep them out.

So you have to see first if you have even the slightest signs of mold illness. That shows if Candida toxins will hit you worse and your die-off symptoms are not going to be any better. Stay prepared and that will ease it up a bit. Whoever is starting a Candida diet is advised to de-mold before you begin.

Those small patches of mold in the corners (especially, damp corners), behind the walls and inside artificial low ceilings (drop ceilings) need to be cleared first. Other places to look for it are:

  • Carpets and other floor coverings.
  • Gutters. Clogged up, overflowing gutters carry mold wherever it reaches.
  • Wet and discolored walls.
  • Condensation (on windows).
  • Water clogging in and around the house.
  • Any cloth or sweeping utensil you use to wipe floors. Not necessary if you wash it with anti-fungal/microbial soap after every use and dry it in the sun.
  • Bathrooms - the moist environment is an ideal place for mold to grow. You need to clean your showers and assure it's free of mold.

After you clean your house of all that, you need to monitor humidity in and around the house A simple moisture meter will do, but I personally use a dehumidifier. I hook up the dehumidifier to the drain and I never have to empty it or do more work. It gets really humid in the summers here. The EPA standard is between 30% and 60% humidity. I would like less. Have proper ventilation and never forget to clean up your spills immediately. All these will help to keep moisture down. Just go double on the count with bathrooms and toilets. However, there a few moldy foods that help you fight against it as long as they are not completely covered with mold. Patches of mold from Hard salamis and dry-cured country hams are no problem; USDA’s advises on scrubbing it off the surface before use. The thing is the salami and hams use mold to actually help preserve the inner, you are NOT eating the mold.

Some hard cheeses are made without mold. The patches are thus surface-deep for Asiago, Pecorino, Parmesan and Cheddar cheeses. Throw away an inch around and below the patch and never use the same knife (or burn it well). This is to avoid cross-contamination. Also avoid blue cheeses, the Gorgonzola and Stilton types.

Firm fruits and vegetables are dense fruits, hence not penetrated easily by mold. If there’s a patch, cut off an inch like the cheeses.

And always remember to toss anything off the fridge if it’s moldy. Those prone to mold are flavored yogurts, sour creams, soft cheeses (especially Brie, Camembert and blue cheeses; others are cottage, cream, Neufchatel and chèvre) – even the crumbled and shredded/sliced types, jams, jellies, soft fruits and vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, berries), breads (and other baked goods), peanut butter, legumes and nuts. Moisture-rich processed meats (luncheon meats, bacon, hot dogs etc.), cooked leftovers (meat, poultry, grains, pasta et al) are also in the list.

This is a very basic idea on mold and moldy foods. But follow it and you will soon feel a lot better.

answered Jul 26, 2013 by Christine Helper (340 points)