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Can I get a yeast infection from being pregnant?

I feel like being pregnant has given me more yeast infections. What is the reason that I keep developing yeast infections, and how should I treat them when I'm pregnant?
asked Jul 23, 2013 in Vaginal by Heather

1 Answer

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I am very sorry to say this, but yes. While women are already more prone to yeast infections than anyone else, pregnant women have an even higher susceptibility level. The good news is that while these yeast infections aren’t much fun for you, they are in no way, shape, or form impacting your actual pregnancy.

Why Am I Developing Yeast Infections?

The yeast organism lives naturally in your intestines and in your mucous membranes, including your vaginal areas. Yeast can be impacted by a number of factors, including the use of antibiotics, birth control, and other medications. In women, naturally occurring hormonal fluctuations allow your estrogen levels to drop while your progesterone levels rise. When this happens, like it does before your period, the yeast organism takes the opportunity to feed on progesterone. This is why a lot of women feel vaginal yeast infection symptoms right before their periods.

When you are pregnant, your hormones go haywire, causing more change than your body is really capable of dealing with. You become even more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections, and those cravings for sugary foods and carbs aren’t helping, either – they’re just feeding the yeast even more.

Treating Yeast Infections during Pregnancy

You’re going to find that the yeast infections you have while pregnant are a little more difficult to clear up – sometimes taking closer to two weeks. While your doctor may suggest you use suppositories and topical creams, you won’t be able to use any oral medications. Traditional suppositories have been proven to be safe for pregnant women, but most of the oral medications have not been. You’ll want to address your diet, avoiding as much sugary food as possible. Once your infection is cleared up, consider using some anti-fungal powders in your vaginal area to help prevent recurring infections.

When in doubt, talk to your doctor – especially your OBGYN. 

answered Jul 23, 2013 by AdrianDole Trusted Candida Expert (8,120 points)