Yes, Candida and endometriosis seem to be intricately associated with each other. Infact, Candida is a major reason behind a number of such women health complications. Research suggests that women suffering from the symptoms of endometriosis benefited to a large extent by following a Candida removal protocol in their therapeutic regimen. Alternatively, it has also been well documented that endometriosis promotes the growth of the yeast. In general, Candida can cause changes in your immune responses that can result in the endometriosis flare ups. A good diet supplement that can restrict the Candida overgrowth is the need of the hour to alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis.
What is endometriosis and how is it caused?
According to Mary Lou Ballweg, the author of a book on endometriosis it is a fall-out of the faulty implantation of the endometrial tissues of the uterus outside on the bowels, bladders or ovaries. During menstrual cycle, these misplaced tissues behave similar to the normal endometrial tissues. However, the endometrial linings need to be shed routinely per month and the misplaced tissues doesn’t get easy exit as they are wrapped around other organs. This often results in varying degrees of inflammatory responses by the body and in severe cases eventually may lead to infertility. According to a report, ~10% of the American women are affected by the problems of endometriosis.
There are a number of theories doing the rounds regarding the cause of endometriosis. Some are of the opinion that an imbalance of the female reproductive hormone estrogen has to be blamed for the endometriosis. Estrogen dominance (the term given to an increased activity of estrogen) may be triggered by the incorporation of estrogen through chemicals or foods that leads to the symptoms of endometriosis. There is also a strong school of thought that reasons for the modulation in the immune system that results in inflammatory responses to be the cause of endometriosis. Candida plays a big role in changing the balance of the immune system. It can also result in hormonal malfunctioning to induce the endometrial disorder. Dr. Curlin, a Tennessee gynecologist has found a strong correlation between endometriosis and the yeast.
The symptoms of endometriosis include pains in the pelvic region and painful periods, chronic fatigue, problems in the gastrointestinal or urinary tract. The affected women also suffer from chemical hypersensitivity, bloating, allergies, frequent vaginal infection. Most of these symptoms are very closely resembled by Candida overgrowth. Therefore, there are good enough reasons to believe that Candida can have a close association with the symptoms of endometriosis. Dr. Truss has found good recovery of his patients upon use of anti-yeast program.
How is the growth of Candida promoted?
Women under the use of antibiotics, immune suppressants, oral contraceptives or due to their overall decline in the immune responses have a significant reduction in the number of beneficial gut microflora. The situation is easily exploited by the fast growing Candida. So such women have found significant relieve from their endometrial problems by curbing the growth of the yeast as suggested by Dr. Crooks.
Does endometriosis facilitate the growth of candida?
Indeed, it is well documented through studies that the conditions as prevalent during endometriosis can serve as just the ideal for Candida overgrowth. According to a study by Dr Bailey and Dr. Coe, significant connection was observed between endometriosis and Candida overgrowth. Their work published in the Journal of Human Reproduction suggests for increased Candida overgrowth risks in women affected by endometriosis. They have proposed a change in normal gastrointestinal microflora due to the inflammatory responses encountered during endometriosis can give the Candida a growth advantage.
What could be the remedy to the situation?
Dr. Morford, a gynecologist, has found improvements in his endometriosis patients when put under anti-Candida diet. But care should be taken not to treat the yeast with any anti-fungal agents as that might just aggravate the condition. The dead cells of Candida are well known to release toxic substances that can do significant damage to your system. Also, the use of antibiotics should be kept at check if facing Candidiasis alongwith endometriosis. Therefore, the best strategy to get relieve of the symptoms of endometriosis is to phase out the yeast through a competing population of probiotics that can make the conditions congenial for their growth while making it extremely alienating for Candida. Proper selection of the probiotic product that contains a balanced mix of the required strains and in good numbers is a must to fight against endometriosis. However, care should be taken that the probiotic product you are selecting consists of high viable numbers of the bacterial strains as it is necessary for them to get established in the GI tract to provide long-term benefits. Select ‘Probacto’, it is just the ideal product that can provide you with the required benefits.
Crook William. Yeast Connection and the Woman. Jackson TN Professional Books. 1996.
Ballweg, Mary Lou. The Endometriosis Sourcebook. Contemporary Books, 1995. ISBN 0-8092-3263-4.